566. September 25…Cat Communication made easy using your own personal… “Venturi Effect”…nope not kidding…

“A winner rebukes and forgives; a loser is too timid to rebuke and too petty to forgive.” Sydney J. Harris

along with the frivolous…I’m loving the ever-present double standard…I like that what one refuses to tolerate in others…is often one of the decorative bulbs in their chandelier of self-definition…yet deniable in the “correct” circles…applicable when appropriately stated…yet never out of bounds….almost sounds like a wine tasting or a commercial for Wendy’s new “Late Night Champagne Burger”

if that fits…it might mean a trip to the porch…with a bunch of old men…talking shit about anybody…that isn’t…a man and old….

how our vocal folds…previously called vocal chords work is a phenomenon…and that phenomenon is called the… “Venturi Effect”…in a nut shell…thumb over the garden hose…except with air…or like a zipper opening and closing…highs and lows…pretty simple…and pretty complex…since it’s all fluid dynamics and physics…but like much of the us in us we take for granted and don’t often think about…so firstly…thank you…Giovanni Batista Venturi…

secondly…if the Venturi Effect is working in it’s optimal state…all is well and we are capable…then the fault falls upon us if we choose to not use that miraculous effect coined by Giovanni…in other words…it is difficult to be heard if you don’t speak…even more difficult to be understood…I do this daily with my cats…since they lack Giovanni’s apparatus…I have to fundamentally guess what they want by…

  1. Facial expressions…theirs and mine
  2. Various noises
  3. Response to my voice
  4. Some sort of divine interpretive intervention from out of the realms of my particular understanding…and still I’m uncertain of the request….

My cats both are this close to talking…I’ve felt that for the past 11 years…the anticipation is killing me…

I’d still like to shrug my shoulders when asked a question…but it seems particularly unresponsive…and at the same time…I’d like to say less when asked the same question or voicing an opinion…or just effectively when I’m using my Venturi Effect…of course for…..effect…

We are globally in a bind…and on the macrocosmic level it is obvious…that the failure of communication has some part to play in this downward spiral…probably a big part…a big… big part…maybe even a huge part….and so if shit truly does rolls down hill…the microcosm is floundering as well…and our ability to speak to the most important/least important people in our world…follows suit…which is where we have to live all of the time…we can’t change channels…turn it off…or adjust the volume…

“Absolute silence leads to sadness. It is the image of death.” – Jan Jacques Rousseau

Author: Robert Redus

Painter, Jeweler and Writer, living right here...right now

8 thoughts on “566. September 25…Cat Communication made easy using your own personal… “Venturi Effect”…nope not kidding…”

  1. Hi Robert, I rebuke and forgive now. I used to just shrink away and forgive. BUT, there are times when I have to shrug my shoulders and scratch my head and wonder if was just talking to a cat? LOL Not really, alotta cats I know have more brains than humans I have run into along the starry way. Point being communication skills are not what they used to be, especially because people do not take the time to hear. Cats take the time to hear cuz they have nothing better to do so when yours talk I am sending my dog over so they can explain to him that they are no threat to him. So whenever he sees a cat he does not have to scream and pee. Now I will see if I have jumped thruthe right hoops to again be a part of your blog,,,,


  2. I understand there was a problem with posting…no idea what that was about…some fickle Word Press thing maybe…who knows…

    the whole communication issue is so crucial…it has the power to eliminate a great deal of the frill and take it to the part where the stuff gets done…I mean they’re making instructions now instead of in a bunch of different languages…all pictures and diagrams…maybe it’s the return to the illiterate…where picture were the universal method of delivery…and we got it I guess….we are where we are because we fail to either:

    1. say it or 2. say it and not really say what we meant to say…(I think that’s called politics)….

    as far as I know your hoop jumping has been successful…let me know on your end if that is true…be well…


  3. I don’t think I’ll ever be a cat whisperer…I still look at them both and say…”what?…what do you want…this? or this?’…..they have me trained pretty well…training takes place in between their 20 hour a day sleeping agenda….poor guys…don’t know how they do it….


  4. uh oh I am 56, maybe I am just thinking I am good at hoop jumping. Whatever works! LOL I give intent to receive abundance in all it’s forms. Therefore I am a good hoop jumper!


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