Monday…November 16th…The Zen of being the Couch…or the Front Door….or an Army of One….


“How Much is That Buddha in the Window” 2009

“That is happiness; to be dissolved into something completely great.” – Willa Cather

I awakened late…after a night of horror conversations and “what was our scariest movie…we ever saw”….and realized that what scares us is as different for each of us as what…makes us happy…there is no….universal happiness that covers all…like a “One size fits all”…. suit of happiness…happiness is  not like licorice…red or black…no other colors..I don’t know if I could even eat yellow or green licorice…just the thought of it makes me wonder….and I guess what I saw last night…heard last night and was part of last night made me see that whatever “IT” is… A OKAY….

searching for anything becomes the elusive act of never finding the object of the search…what comes to us does…what doesn’t ….doesn’t….and to think that by going out and finding something will make that something a part of us is unreal… force the issue never works….everything enters our lives when it does….not necessarily by our desire for it…our want/need for it…but when we are ready to accept it…when we have done the work…stichted up the previous wounds….understood that hot burners burn hands…that there are consequences….all of the lesson stuff that makes driving the car with the blindfold on just a bit easier….and there is no garuntee…..look for it long enough and you will find some facsimile of your search….question that facsimile long enough and you will know it is not what you were searching for…probably more of a band-aid for an arterial wound….

sure we should go get what we want….strive for happiness…all of the things that will make our lives complete…full…rich…juicy…but those things come from……being those things….so we have to be the example of what we want in our lives…and by developing that persona…we draw that persona to us…by being juicy…we bring in juicy….that’s seems like a win win …..the secret is doing it….

look around you…there are a few people in your life that do this…they get what they want by being what they want…it may not be that obvious…or clear…but it’s right there…I have a few of these people in my life….and I am beginning to notice them more….not because they do anything differently…more because….they are doing things the same….because it has been working for them….they are the best examples of success I know of…

it is recipie…nothing more….they developed a recipe that has worked…and periodically they add something new to the mix…not as an experiemnet..but knowing full well it will enhance the flavor…make it juicier….more rich…more thick and luscious….

I believe…it’s time to start cooking……

Author: Robert Redus

Painter, Jeweler and Writer, living right here...right now

3 thoughts on “Monday…November 16th…The Zen of being the Couch…or the Front Door….or an Army of One….”

  1. Amen! It’s time to start cooking 🙂 I’m sinking my teeth into this recipe, have jotted down the note so I’ll see it all week. Waved and smiled to you from the bosque today. P.S. I’ll tell you the results of my cooking.


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