340. June 18th…I’m getting the world map tattooed on my body….that way I always know where I am….

“Helados” 2010

“The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.” – Albert Camus

I’m liking those times when I seem to know the answer…long before the question has been posed….maybe I’m putting enough of the energy out there to draw the question in close enough that the only option is to ask it….or perhaps my skills predicting the future are getting better….either way the level of knowing certain things is becoming more clear….

Have you ever seen positively….your life…from a different angle…what I mean is …can you see yourself doing the same things each day…in a different place that has “You” written all over it….maybe it’s in the forest…or by the ocean…a different city…but knowing that the tools you possess…both literally and figuratively…are the tools you’ve never had before…and those tools are the ones that will set you free in a sense…and not because they are anything different….but in another place they have the power of Wonder Woman’s belt…and they mesh like….the right hand …holding the right hand…. it is a feeling…that is a knowing as well…..where our migratory path is….what we walk in our lifetime…..

there is something about moving on…to a place where you can be anybody you want….not like a lying…politician anybody you want….but let the real you be exposed…the you that has never been seen before…the orchid bloom we each are….being the concentrated version rather than the watered down version….

I am still and have always been intrigued by water…and the stages it can be…gas…solid….liquid…and as a child…once I learned this…..my goal was to become like water…..I didn’t realize that making that statement…at a young age…had any great deal of significance….but at my current age….that statement from a child is….a little weird…much like a kid telling you they want to be a priest….seems a little to intense for a kid brain….and I thought nothing of the intensity of the statement rather the idea of being three things was the enticing aspect of becoming water….being myself seemed like just plain toast….when I could be water….try as I may…becoming water never became a part of my carnival act…. so taking that mentality with me….I realized when I discover place…is when the opportunity to become water….enters my world again…I’m certainly not discounting or denying that it may happen….as it might very well…..

we are all test pilots at some level….some test a few things and call it enough….others test everything and want more…..it is like driving down a long road in the desert…away from any towns or cities….and there in the middle of nowhere….is an old abandoned house…I always ask….the air around the place…ask it out loud….”What made you stop here…why was this the place for you….what was it that said….”Here”?” seems that the test ended right there….and maybe a series of testings over years was the point that said “Here”….I don’t know…or maybe when “they”….got out and stood there on the earth…it embraced them whispered to them ….”this is your place too”….but whatever it was chances are everything was as right as right could be at that moment in time…..and that’s where things took a breather…a break from the quest….

I feel we are going to test everything until we don’t….search until we stop….become those things we strive to be when everything has gradually taken its place where it is going to…..know what we know…when we know it…..keep seeking the place where we migrate to….build what we are designed to build….love how we want to be loved….and position ourselves in the exact place to bloom the most brilliant…..

Author: Robert Redus

Painter, Jeweler and Writer, living right here...right now

2 thoughts on “340. June 18th…I’m getting the world map tattooed on my body….that way I always know where I am….”

  1. I believe taking a vacation and coming home lets you know if you are living in the right place…yes, vacations are good…


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